What are Keywords?


Keywords in C language are explicitly reserved words i.e. we can't use these variables as they have predefined meaning.  
There are 32 keywords in C. 

They are:
  1. auto
  2. const
  3. double
  4. float
  5. int
  6. short
  7. struct
  8. unsigned
  9. break
  10. continue
  11. else
  12. for
  13. long
  14. signed
  15. switch
  16. void
  17. case
  18. default
  19. enum
  20. goto
  21. register
  22. sizeof
  23. typedef
  24. volatile
  25. char
  26. do
  27. extern
  28. if
  29. return
  30. static
  31. union
  32. while
Summary: We can't use keywords as variables as they have predefined meaning.  

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